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Benefits of HR software in “WORK from HOME” | #1 HR Software

Benefits of HR software in “WORK from HOME” | #1 HR Software

Benefits of HR software

In a recent argument about work from home, Sultan Mahmood, the CEO from Connect Solutions, the benefits of modern working enjoinment to organization and employees but how can human resource management software system can implement to meet the changed expectations.

Work from Home is defined by the CEO, as “a working flexible environment where employee how, when, or where they can work.”  However, “there must be a system that balanced between the requirements of the company and the desires of the staff.” To succeed so, there must be a system that guides the right way to balance both worlds.

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Work from home is not always new, but after the Covid-19 pandemic has to make the necessity to any business for its continuity. The pandemic has also organizations have been forced to prioritize the health of their employees, both physically and mentally. This has resulted in a way of working for both the employers and the employees. 36% of employers are considering work hours that are flexible to grow during the Covid-19 pandemic, and 70% would like to keep working, flexible working hours, according to the study, Flex Appeal.


There are a variety of schedules are available, ranging from a “compressed in a week” rule, where an employee can only work for 3 or 4 days a week, or an “extended week” rule, where an employee’s workday, it can be extended by several days. Another example is that of a mixed day, with a calendar day is divided into slots, instead of the traditional 9-to-5.


As we get closer to the post-Covid 19 worlds, companies need to continue to offer flexible terms and conditions. Sultan Mahmood, the CEO said: “work from any place, which makes the employer more attractive and helps to keep the workforce.” Also, employers will be able to promote their talent pool, as they are not limited by geographic location. “the organizations that allow for flexible work arrangements, enabling employees to personalize their day.”


When employees work remotely, they took fewer sick leaves, which is another benefit of work from home. A study conducted by Office for National Statistics (ONS) finds that absences due to illness significantly declined from 1.9% to 1.8%.


This era of the pandemic has changed us all, fundamentally it is the most important thing that happens in our lives. CEO of Connect solutions says, “it is almost more than a year peoples are working from home that changed the behaviors of employees, and now if organizations want going back to how things were, there would be just as the force needed now as there was needed in the first place”


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There are 4 ways you can implement work from the home monitoring system

The first step in the creation of the work from the home methodology of scenario is to make sure that your work from home policy is up-to-date and that staff has read and understood and approved of the changes, which can be can be made by the organization. In order to implement your policy, you need to learn how to take your business to the priorities and build them to your needs by talking with all of the stakeholders. If you have decided that you need technology solutions that will help you get out of the control of flexible payment arrangements, the following should be considered.

  • Time & Attendance software
  • Connect HRMS software
  • Sticky Tasks Management Software
  • Integrations with Human Resource Management software


1.Time & Attendance software

Specialized, time-and-attendance tracking software, such as the Connect Time & Attendance systems is usually located in the cloud, making it easier to deploy and manage. It allows HR teams to manage the employees in the graph, and record the data on a lack of staff, no matter the size of your organization or industry. Connect Time and Attendance collect the data on employee sickness and absenteeism, and HR teams create flexible working conditions for their employees.

2.Connect HRMS software

A dedicated Connect HRMS software is an investment for today and into the future because it is the software that can grow in order to meet the ever-changing needs of your business. Connect HRMS provides you with self-service functionality, so that managers can see, manage, and share information about any service to work, while employees can take their leave, and send applications from any device.

3.Sticky Tasks Management Software

Sticky Tasks is a powerful software for task management, that gives the power to manage and control tasks and teams while they are working from anywhere in the world at any time. This management software can integrate with the Connect HRMS software so you can control your employee’s attendance as well as their tasks too. With sticky tasks whole team, managers and directors can see what has done on any tasks and how much teams work time spent on any particular tasks. Sticky Tasks can record screens, productive hours, and the attendance of employees.

4.Integrations with Human Resource Management software

With a best-in-class approach that can help the employees to make use of software that gives priority to the functionality, to deliver better outcomes for your organization. An integrated approach means that you can use it to connect to your HR software, a time tracking system, to improve the user experience. It also reduces the need for duplication of information in different systems and improves data integrity.

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