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Technical Search Engine Optimization

Technical SEO involves optimizing the technical aspects of your website to improve its search engine visibility and performance. While on-page and off-page SEO focus on content and links, technical SEO deals with factors related to website structure, code, and server configuration. Here are some key components of technical SEO

Mobile-Friendly Test

Mobile-friendliness improves user experience and search ranking

Robots.txt Creation

Robots.txt is a file that guides search engines on which pages to check or stay away from.

Page Crawling Issues

Fixing page crawling issues ensures search engines can check and list your site

Page and Keyword Ranking Issues

wrong pages for certain words in search results, challenging for website owners.

Redirection Issues Solve

Fixing redirection issues ensures a smooth user experience.

Canonical Tags

It tells search engines about the main version of the page.

Optimize Sitemap

It makes it easy for search engines to explore a website's content by improving the sitemap.

Page Speed Report

Page speed studies improve user experience, reduce bounce rates, and boost search rankings.

Use of Structured Data

Helps search engines be clever in understanding and showing content.

Page Indexing Issues

Page indexing issues make it harder for people to find website pages.

Compress Image

images in WebP format speed up page loading and boost search rankings.

Minification of CSS and Javascripts

Its means making their code more compact to shrink file sizes.

Optimize Server Response Time

Improve server response for faster loading and better search rankings.

Broken Link Check

It leads to pages that don't exist (404 errors). This lowers bounce rates and avoids negative effects on Google.